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Town of Princeton, Mass. – Oct. 30, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Selectboard – Regular Meeting

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Financial plan  7:30 PM   Chairman opened meeting. Guests present were Karen Cruise, John Kowaleski, John Shipman, Phil Grancewicz, Rick McCowan, Bill Holder and Larry Greene Sr. group focused first on the Financial Plan concept. Richy asked about a draft from Jon, who said he could not create a draft but had put together a list of issues, which had been distributed along with a report regarding Police/Fire spending. Of all the options regarding who would be tasked with creating a financial plan, Jon explained that an appointed committee is needed for legitimacy, because the ultimate goal is a plan to go forward with facilities. Edith suggested charging it to the Advisory Cmte. Review Cmte.—those members being most familiar with municipal finance. After suggestions for an extra meeting to decide that, Richy advised that Selectboard should just move on it.
Financial plan (cont’)  7:55 PM  Several guests indicated they would be interested in the task of starting or creating a financial plan. Bill H. offered to update a spreadsheet he’d crafted some time ago, with financial projections, to serve as a starting point. John K. noted that ultimately, it’s the efforts and energy of two or three people doing most of the work. He also asked what the boards would do with a financial plan, as many plans have been completed that just sit on a shelf. Phil G. was in favor of having professional consultants finish the project using grant funding. Jon contends the town has experts willing to volunteer and favors giving the Advisory Cmte. first option to work on the plan.
Financial plan (cont’ )  8:10 PM  Select Board voted all in favor to ask the Advisory Committee if they are willing to take responsibility for financial, capital and strategic planning.
Route 140 Reconstruction project & Ball Hill Road culvert grant  8:15 PM  On the Route 140 Reconstruction Project, Nina said she, Larry and Bill are meeting weekly to discuss progress on the project and will hold meetings with all 42 individual abutters to discuss property impacts/easements/compensation and request donations from residents. Meetings include the engineers and are planned for December 6th and 7th, and residents are invited by direct mail. Also, Bill H. noted award for $78,740 in grant funds for field data collection, engineering and design, and permitting to replace the culvert on Ball Hill Road as part of the Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance Grant culvert repair which must be spent by June. Town finance data are in flux owing to washout overnight of the East Princeton road culvert near Mirick Road.
Update on Charter 8:30 PM  Charter is now offering fiber to the home. Nina noted that they will prepare a public service announcement about their construction plans, and have a call scheduled with Anna Lucey on 11/1 to receive/discuss language. Pole licenses done but some still need to be signed by Verizon.
A Facilities Steering Committee update from Nina included news that the contract is currently being negotiated by JWA and the Town, to be followed by a kick-off meeting.
FY19 Budget   Jon had distributed memo explaining his discovery about why the per capita costs for DPW and Police were so high in Princeton, even though fiscal management of these departments is tight. Nina explained draft FY19 Budget Memo and recommended the budget memo.
Finalize Selectboard/TA goals  Board considered list of goals for coming year for the Selectboard and for T.A. and voted all in favor to finalize Selectboard goals as presented & Town Administrator goals with one addition: that the T.A. assist the Selectboard with improved communications with town residents.
Mechanics Hall well  8:40 PM  Regarding the Mechanics Hall well and MassDEP Notice of Non-Compliance, Nina said she has contacted Town Counsel and posed the questions by the Selectboard regarding possession/responsibility of the well.
Dissolve Princeton Center Cmte.  8:45 PM  The Board voted all in favor to dissolve the Princeton Center Management Committee. This was the wish of the committee once the building was closed.
Friends of Mechanics Hall   As the Friends of Mechanics Hall asked to meet with Selectboard after Jan. 1, discussion ensued about ongoing issues. With electric heater keeping the well head from freezing, plus insurance, costs for maintaining the building approach $5,000 per year, Jon noted. He wants to see an article at the May ATM, as disposal or auctioning off the property requires town meeting vote. The group agreed to ask the Friends to attend the next Selectboard meeting.
Name it Select Board  8:55 PM  Select Board had received an email from David Pratt, suggesting that the Board of Selectmen change its name to Selectboard or Executive Board to become gender-neutral. Group voted all in favor to refer to themselves as Select Board going forward and make changes to documents etc. as they come up. Edith then left meeting.
Cemetery fees  With recommendation from the Cemetery Commission, remaining Selectboard voted all in favor to set the fee for monument foundation installation to $120/linear foot. It had been $180. per monument but sizes varied widely.
Princeton Directory   Nina had presented the final text of a letter to residents to be placed in the Princeton Directory mailing that is being produced by the Historical Society. It had some additional updates and Richy suggested some minor edits.
Legislative priorities  Group discussed communicating with offices of Kim Ferguson and Harriette Chandler and setting a clear list of priorities for the Selectboard goals, such as funding for facilities; Chapter 70 (education) and the possibility of MBI reimbursement for the town’s make-ready work for broadband.
Upcoming events  Board voted all in favor to allow “Trunk or Treat” event on Halloween from 5 PM to 7 PM in and around the area of the library and town common. Richy agreed to attend the WRSD Budget Roundtable next week at the Holden Senior Center. Jon offered to attend an Eagle Court of Honor for Seamus Peter Kelly on December 2 at noon at the Prince of Peace Parish Church. Nina noted a date of December 20 from 6-9 PM for the staff/volunteer Holiday Party at the Mountain Barn.
Grants received  The board noted receiving grants of $4,250 for police department bulletproof vests $500 from DEP to be used for Wachusett Earthday/recycling. Group voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to sign a $4500 grant for the Cultural Council.

9:10 PM Selectboard voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.
Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Jon Fudeman’s list of financial issues and report regarding Police/Fire spending; list of goals for coming year for Selectboard and for T.A.; Letter to Town Counsel for Mechanics Hall well; email from David Pratt; letter to residents for Princeton Directory mailing; letters with grant announcements.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department